Which to celebrate when you only have time for one?  

March 14th marks the anniversary of two major holidays: Pi(e) Day and Steak and a Blow Job Day.  Ideally, one would take this merry day off from work in order to engage in an all-day pie/steak/blow job binge.  Unfortunately, some of us are terrible at calling in sick, so we have to be bitter all day and wait for the strike o’5 o’clock.


You have to work overtime and when you finally do get home, you have mere minutes before you must call it a night or else you’ll be exhausted tomorrow at your incredibly demanding job and you still have to take out the garbage and feed Wendell the (insert mammal) because your whore (insert spouse) was too busy watching reruns of ‘The OC’ on SoapNet and oh my god, what the fuck do you do?

For me, it’s an easy choice.

My boyfriend is a vegan and doesn’t like it when I put my mouth on or around that area.

Happy Pi(e) Day!!!

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